IInd Professional
Syllabus -IInd Professional
(2016-17 Academic year onwards)
(History of Medicine)
Theory- One paper– 100 marks
Total teaching hours: 100 hours
(1) Tareekh-e-Tib aur iskiAhmiyat.
Medical History and its importance.
(2) Fan-e-Tib ki Ibteda aur Fan-e-Tib ke AwwalinMarakiz.
Origin of Medicine and its Primary Centers
(3) (a) Babuli Tib, Misri Tib aur iske zara-e-Maloomat, (b) Cheeni Tib aur iskaMaqsoos Tareeq-e-Ilaj, (c) Irani Tib aur Madars-e-Jund-e-Shahpur, (d) Hindi Tib aur AyurvedakemashhoorWaid:(i)Charak,(ii)Sushruth,(iii)Wagbhat.
(a) BabeloneanMedicineandEgyptianMedicineanditssourcesofinformation,(b)Chinese Medicine and its specific Methodology of Treatment, (c) Iranian Medicine and School of Jund-e-Shahpur, (d) Famous Physicians of Indian Medicine and Ayurveda: (i) Charak, (ii) Sushruth, (iii)Wagbhat.
(4) (1) Tib ke darje zail bunyadi uloom ka ajmali khaka aur mukhtasar tareekh (i) Ilm-e- Tabiyath, (ii) Ilm-e-Kimiya, (iii) Ilm-e-Nabatath, (iv) Ilm-e-Haiwanat, (v) Ilm-e- Madaniyat,(vi)Ilm-e-Hayyat,(vii)Ilm-e-Tashreeh,(viii)Ilm-e-Manaf-ul-Aza,(ix)Ilm- ul-Jarahath.
Brief description and history of Fundamental subjects of Medicine viz: (i) Physics, (ii) Chemistry, (iii) Botany, (iv) Zoology, (v) Minerology, (vi) Astrology, (vii) Anatomy,(viii) Physiology, (ix)Surgery.
(5) Tib ke mukhtalif Adwar: (a) Unani Tib ma qable Buqrat, (b) Hazrath Idrees, (c) Tabeeb-e-AwwalAsqaliboos.
Different periods of Medicine: (a) Unani Tib before Hippocrates, (b) Prophet Idrees, (c) First Physician Asqaliboos.
(6) MandarjezailAtibba-e-Qadeemkemukhtasarhalaathaurkarnamein:(a)Buqrat,(b) Arastu, (c) Herofuloos, (d) Irastarastoos, (e) Madarsa-e-Iskandariya ke mukhtasar halaath.
BiographicalsketchesofancientphysiciansandtheircontributiontotheUnanisystemof medicine: (a) Hippocrates, (b) Aristotle, (c) Herofuloos, (d) Irastarastoos, (e) Brief description of School ofSikandriya.
(7) Roomiatibba(a)Deasqaridoos,(b)Jalinoos.
Roman Physicians: (a) Diascorides, (b) Galen.
(8) Bazanteni Tib aur Tabeeb: (a)Fausulmaniti.
Bazantini Medicine and its Physician: (a) Fausulmaniti.
(9) Tib-e-UnanikaArabidaurauriskatafseelibayan.
(10) Ahde jaheliyat mein Tib: Haris binKulha.
Medicine during Age of Ignorance: Haris bin Kulha as a physician.
(11) Tib-e-NabawikaekJayeza.
(12) TibAhdeKhilafat-e-Rashedamein(a)Amawidaur,(b)Tiyazooq,(c)Ibn-e-Umal,(d) Jaber bin Hayyan, (e) Khalid binYazeed.
Medicine in Cliphatic era: (a) Amawi era, (b) Tiyazooq, (c) Ibn-e-Umal, (d) Jaber bin Hayyan, (e) Khalid bin Yazeed.
(13) Tib Abbasi daur mein, Baitul Hikmat, Tib-e-Unani ki taraqqi mein iska hissa. MedicineinAbbasiera:HouseofWisdom,anditsroleinDevelopmentofUnanisystemof Medicine.
(14) Namwar mutarjimeen: (a) Yuhina bin Masway, (b) Hunain bin Ishaq, (c) Sabith bin Qarha,(d)YaqoobbinIshaq,(e)JibrayeelbinBaqtishu(f)QustabinLuqa.
Yaqoob bin Ishaq, (e) Jibrayeel bin Baqtishu (f)Qusta bin Luqa
(15) BaghdadmeinHindustaniAtibbakiamadaurtibpariskeasraath,VedakKitabonke Tarjume.
Entry of Indian Physicians in Baghdad and its influence on Medicine, Translation of Ayurvedic literature.
(16) Qaroon-e-Wasta ke namwar atibba: (a) Ali bin Rabban Tabri, (b) Ahmed bin mohammed Tabri, (c) Ali bin Abbas Majusi, (d) Abu Bakr bin Zakariya Razi, (e) HunnainbinNuhulQamari,(f)AbuSahelMasihi,(g)IbnSina,(h)SharfuddinIsmail Jarjani, (i) Ibne Jazla, (j) Abu Rehan Berooni, (k) Ibne Butlan, (l) Abdul Lateef Baghdadi,(m)KamaluddinIrani,(n)NajeebuddinSamarqandi,(o)AlauddinQarshi,
(p) Nafees Bin Awaz Kirmani, (q) Mahmood Amli, (r) Ali bin Esa kahal.
Famous physicians of Middle Age: (a) Ali bin Rabban Tabri, (b) Ahmed bin mohammed Tabri, (c) Ali bin Abbas Majusi, (d) Razes, (e) Hunnain bin Nuhul Qamari, (f) Abu Sahel Masihi, (g) Avicenna, (h) Sharfuddin Ismail Jarjani, (i) Ibn Jazla, (j) Abu Rehan Berooni,
(k) Ibn Butlan, (l) Abdul Lateef Baghdadi, (m) Kamaluddin Irani, (n) Najeebuddin Samarqandi, (o) Alauddin Qarshi, (p) Nafees Bin Awaz Kirmani, (q) Mahmood Amli, (r) Ali bin Esa kahal.
(17) Atibba-e-Undulus: (a) Ibn Rushd, (b) Abul Qasim Zahravi, (c) Ibn Wahid, (d) Ibn Zuhur,(e)IbnBetar,(f)IbneKhateeb,(g)MoosaBinMaimoon.
FamousPhysiciansofUndilus:(a)IbnRushd,(b)Abulcasis,(c)IbnWahid,(d)Avenzer,(e) Ibn Betar, (f) Ibne Khateeb, (g) Moosa BinMaimoon.
(9) Atibba Misr-o-Shaam: (a) Dawood Antaki, (b) Ali bin Rizwan, (c) Ibn Haytham, (d) Ishaq bin Sulaiman Israili, (e) Ibn Abi Usaiba, (f) Jamaluddin Qafati, (g) Ibn Qaf Masihi.
(18)Famous physicians of Egypt and Syria: (a) Dawood Antaki, (b) Ali bin Rizwan, (c) Ibn Haysam, (d) Ishaq bin Sulaiman Israili, (e) Ibn Abi Usaiba, (f) Jamaluddin Qafati, (g) Ibn Qaf Masihi.
(19) Hisdustan ka tibbi daur: Ahde Tughlaq ke namwar tabeeb, (a) Zia Mohammed MasoodRasheedFarangi,AhdeLodhikeTabeeb,(a)BehwabinQawas.
Medicine in India – Brief discussion, Famous physicians of Tughlaq Era: (a) Zia Mohammed Masood Rasheed Farangi, Ahde Lodhi ke Tabeeb, (a) Behwa bin Qawas.
(20) Gujrat ka mashoor tabeeb: Shahab Abdul KareemNagori.
Famous physicians of Gujrat: Shahab Abdul Kareem Nagori
(21) Tibkashmeermein: NoohbinMansoor.
Medicine in Kashmir: Nooh bin Mansoor.
(22) Ahde Moghliya ke namwar tabeeb: (a) Hakeem Ali Geelani, (b) Hakeem Sidra, (c) Hakeem Yousufi, (d) Hakeem Akbar Arzani, (e) Hakeem Hashim Alvi Khan, (f) Hakeem Amanullah, (g) Hakeem ShareefKhan.
Famous physicians of Moghal period: (a) Hakeem Ali Geelani, (b) Hakeem Sidra, (c) Hakeem Yousufi, (d) Hakeem Akbar Arzani, (e) Hakeem Hashim Alvi Khan, (f) Hakeem Amanullah, (g) Hakeem Shareef Khan.
(23) Qutubshahi daur ke namwar hakeem: (a) Hakeem Mir Momin, (b) Hakeem-ul-Mulk NizamuddinGilani.
Famous physicians of Qutubshahi period: (a) Hakeem Mir Momin, (b) Hakeem-ul-Mulk Nizamuddin Gilani
(24) Nizamshahidaurkehakeem:(a)RustumJarjani,(b)WaliGilani.
Famous physicians of Nizamshahi period: (a) Rustum Jarjani, (b) Wali Gilani.
(25) Adilshahi daur ke hakeem: Mohammed QasimFarishta.
Famous physician of Adilshahi period: Mohammed Qasim Farishta.
(26) Asifjahidaurketabeeb:(a)HakeemRazaAliKhan,(b)HakeemShafaiKhan.
Famous physician of Asifjahi period: (a) Hakeem Raza Ali Khan, (b) Hakeem Shafai Khan.
(27) Bartanwi ahad ke atibba: (a) Maseeh-ul-Mulk Hakeem Ajmal Khan, (b) Hakeem Abdul Aziz Lucknawi, (c) Hakeem Azam Khan, (d) Hakeem Abdul Hameed, (e) Hakeem Abdul Haleem, (f) Hakeem Abdul LateefFalsafi.
FamousphysiciansofBritishperiod:(a)Maseeh-ul-MulkHakeemAjmalKhan,(b)Hakeem Abdul Aziz Lucknawi, (c) Hakeem Azam Khan, (d) Hakeem Abdul Hameed, (e) Hakeem Abdul Haleem, (f) Hakeem Abdul LateefFalsafi.
(28) Chand mashoor atibba: (a) Hakeem Kabeeruddin, (b) Hakeem Ghulam Hussain Kantoori, (c) Hakeem Mohammed IlyasKhan.
Few famous physicians: (a) Hakeem Kabeeruddin, (b) Hakeem Ghulam Hussain Kantoori, (c) Hakeem Mohammed IlyasKhan.
(29) Hindustanmeintibkitaleemkanayadaur:(a)TaleemiIdareaurNisaab,(b)A’laTaleem, (c) Unani Tib mein Tahqeeq.
Unani Education system in India in Modern era, (a) Academic Institutions and syllabus, (b) Higher Education, (c) Unani Medical Research.
(30) Hindustan mein (i) Tibbi marakiz: (a) Ayurved aur Unani Tibbi College, Delhi, (b) Takmeel-ut-Tib College, Lucknow, (c) Ajmal Khan Tibbya College, Aligarh,(d) NizamiaTibbiCollege,Hyderabad,(e)HamdardTibbiaCollege,Delhi.
(ii) Tibbi Khanwade: (a) Delhi, (b) Rampur, (c) Lucknow, (d) Hyderabad, (e) Rajisthan, (f) Bhopal, (g) Madras, (g) Mysore.
- Unani Medical Centres in India: (a) Ayurved aur Unani Tibbi College, Delhi, (b) Takmeel-ut-Tib College, Lucknow, (c) Ajmal Khan Tibbya College, Aligarh, (d) Nizamia Tibbi College, Hyderabad, (e) Hamdard Tibbia College,Delhi.
- Eminent medical families in India belonging to: (a) Delhi, (b) Rampur, (c)Lucknow,
Hyderabad, (e) Rajisthan, (f) Bhopal, (g) Madras, (g)Mysore
(31) Ma’baad Azadi Unani marakiz ka khayaam, inki Tareeq, Tadween, Aghraz-o- Maqasid:(a)CentralCouncilofIndianMedicine,(b)CentralCouncilforResearchin Unani Medicine, (c) National Institute of UnaniMedicine.
Post-Independence Establishment of certain Unani centres, their Aims and Objectives, Development and Functions: (a) Central Council of Indian Medicine, (b) Central Council for Research in Unani Medicine, (c) National Institute of Unani Medicine.
(32) Mo‘ahida-e-Buqratiya: iska Matan, Mo‘ahida -e-Buqratiya ka asar mabaad sadiyon per, Mutalimeen-e-Tib ke Ausaaf, Tabeeb keFarayz.
Hippocratic Oath: the text and its effect on latter centuries, Ethical Values of Medical Students, Ethical Duties of the Unani Physicians.
Syllabus -IInd Professional
(2016-17 Academic year onwards)
Theory- One paper– 100 marks
Total teaching hours: 150 hours
- Tahaffuzi wa SamajiTibb
Definition, historical background, importance, aims and objectives
2. Sehat(Health)
Definition, aims & objectives and guidelines for health,
Detailed discussion of Asbaabe Sitta Zarooriyah (six essentials of life), classification of food including macro and micronutrients and balanced diet.
3. Marz(Disease)
Definition and causes of disease with details.
4. Tabaee Mahaul (PhysicalEnvironment)
Fizaae Mahaul (atmospheric environment), components of Tabaee Mahaul (physical environment) and its related factors.
Factors affecting physical environment (Physical, chemical and biological causes).
5. Air
Physical properties and composition.
Natural and artificial method for purification of air, procedures for the prevention and control of diseases caused by air pollution and their preventive measures
6. Water
Sources and types of water, safe & wholesome water, examination of water, purification methods.
7. EnvironmentalPollution
Definition and classification, causes, health effects and preventive measures of different types of pollution i.e. air pollution, water pollution and noise pollution.
8. Masaakin wa Tahviya (Housing andVentilation)
Need and importance, disadvantages of ill ventilated rooms, standards of ventilation, different types of ventilation (Natural and Artificial)
9. Indifae Fuzlaat (Disposal ofWaste)
Definition and types of waste, solid waste disposal, excreta disposal, municipal sewage disposal plant, biomedical waste disposal.
10. Shakhsi Hifzane Sehat (PersonalHygiene)
Healthy habits, cleanliness, menstrual hygiene, Importance of Ilaj Bit Tadbeer in Shakhshi Hifzane Sehat Dalak, Riyazat, Hammam and bathing. Prevention of lifestyle diseases.
11. KhandaniMansoobaBandiwaZabteTauleed(FamilyPlanningandBirthControl)
Definition, scope, types of birth control measures: temporary, permanent.
Definition, mode of spread, routes of entry of infection, reservoirs of infection and their carriers, classification, quarantine, Incubation period, isolation.
Important vectors spreading the disease ConceptofWabaandrelatedterminologies.
Asbaabe Wa’sila wa Moidda (causative and predisposing factors), causes, sign and symptoms, differential diagnosis, Muddate Hizanat (incubation period), Muddate Tadiya (infective period) and methods of Tahaffuz (prevention) of following diseases:
- Humeqa(Chickenpox)
- Khasra(Measles)
- Judri (SmallPox)
- Warme Aslul uzn(Mumps)
- Influenza, Swine Flu, BirdFlu
- Chickengunia
- Shaheeqa(Pertussis)
- Khunnaq(Diphtheria)
- Diq(Tuberculosis)
- Haiza(Cholera)
- Deedane Amaa(Helminthiasis)
- Hummae Taifoodiya (TyphoidFever)
- Hummae Ijamia(Malaria)
- Hummae Asfar (YellowFever)
- Khaarish
- Hummae Danj (DengueFever)
- Ta’oon(Plague)
- KalaAzar
- Daul Kalb(Rabies)
- Kuzaaz(Tetanus)
- Juzaam(Leprosy)
- Daul feel(Filariasis)
14. Manaat and Amale Talqeeh (Immunity and Vaccination) Immunity:Definition,classificationandimportanceofimmunity.
15.Amale Talqeeh(Vaccination)
Definition, types of Vaccines, advantages and disadvantages of vaccines, NaqshaeTamnee (ImmunizationSchedule),AmaleTamneekemuzirasraat(adverseeffectsofImmunization)
16.Amale Tatheer(Sterilization)
Definition, importance & necessity, latest methods, natural, physical & chemical. Information about various Istilahaat (terminology) like deodorant, antiseptic, pesticides, insecticides, germicides and detergents etc.
17.Dafae Ta’affun(Disinfectant)
Sources, methods of disinfection and their indications.
Definition and importance of occupational health, occupational diseases and hazards and their preventive measures.
19. Sehati Tanzimat (HealthOrganizations)
National healthorganizations
Aalami Sehati Tanzeemaat (International HealthOrganizations)
World Health Organization (WHO), United Nations International Children Emergency Funds (UNICEF), Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO).
20.Nigehdasht Mashaikh(Geriatrics),mental,physical,socialandpsychological. Tadabeer-e-Mashaikh (diet, exercise, massageetc.).
21.Sehate Aamma (PublicHealth)
Tash’heer(notification),methodsofpropagandaofpublichealthissuesanditsimportance, school health services. Healthcare at village level, preventive measures and cleanliness in fairs and festivals and prevention of epidemicdiseases.
22.Tibbi Indirajat(Demography)
Mardum Shumari (census and registration system), Sharahe Paida’ish (birth rate) and Sharahe Amwaat (death rate) etc. basic medical statistics, including central tendencies.
23. Sehati Programmes (HealthProgrammes)
Primary Health Centers (PHC)
Various Health programs run by Govt. of India, healthcare delivery system of India.
PRACTICAL 100marks
Teaching hours-100
- Demonstration of water purificationmethods.
- Identification of disinfectants and theirapplication
- IdentificationandinformationofdiseaserelatedInsectsthroughmodelsandcharts
- Demonstration of differentvaccines
- Information about infectious and epidemic diseases through permanent slides and audio visualaids.
- Propaganda and education of public health through community health visits
- Observationofhealthdeliverysystematdifferenthealthcentersandsub-centers.
- Demonstration of birth control & family planning methods through charts, models & videos.
- Participation in different national healthprogrammes.
Notes: – Students will maintain a Record Book of all the practical and demonstrations and also prepare charts and models. At least five case histories will be necessary for a student regarding patients of infectious, occupational or other related diseases.
PAPER I 100 Marks
- Usoole Shanakht Advia (Principles of Identification of drugs{Pharmacognosy})
- Makhaz e Advia (Sources ofdrugs)
- Wasfulaqaqirkeaitbaarsemufraddawaonkidarjabandi(Classificationof single drugs according toPharmacognosy)
- Morphological characters of Unani medicinalplants
- Taxonomical classification of Unani singledrugs
- Dawa, Ghiza, and Zulkhassa: Ta’reef , aksam aurahmiyat
(Dawa, Ghiza, and Zulkhassa: Definition, types and importance)
- Mizaje Advia: Ta’reef , aksam aurahmiyat
(Mizaje Advia: Definition,types and Importance)
- SammiAdviawaTiryaq:Samm-e-mutlaq,Samoom,fadzehar (Poisonous drugs andAntidotes)
- BadniistalahparAdviaKaT’aseer:MufradulQuwa,MurakkabulQuwawagairah
(Effects of drugs on metabolism : Mufradul Quwa ,Murakkabul Quwa etc.)
- Advia ki Ajza’e tarkeebi , Ajza’e mo’esira : Alkaloids, Glycosides aur roghaniyat (Compositionofdrugs:Activeandnon-activeconstituent-Alkaloids,Glycosides,oils,tannins, saponins, gums, resins, mucilage, phenolic compounds,flavinoids).
- Advia ki tabaikhusosiyat
(Physical properties of drugs)
8.Gair Maa’ruf Advia ki maloomat kezara’e
(Principals and methods of assessing the action of unknown drugs)
9.Qiyas watajurba
(Analogy and experimentation)
(Action of Unani single drugs on various systems of the body)
(Different dosage forms)
(Collection, storage, preservation and shelf life of drugs)
14. Muzir aurMusileh
(Adverse effects of drugs and their correctives, and scope of pharmocovigilance in Unani medicine)
15.AbdaleAdvia : (Substitution of drugs)
16.Tanakuz eAdvia :(Drug antagonism)
17. Usoole tarkeebe Advia, ahmiyat wazaroorat
(Drug compounding: Principles and importance )
18. Istelahat e Advia ba Atbare Taseer wa NauyiateAmal
(terminologies with respect to the effects and actions of drugs) :
- Aasir,Akkal,Hakkak
- Dafae Taffun, Dafae Huma, Dafe TashannujDabiq
- Ghassal , Jali, Haliq,Habis
- Jazib, Kavi, Kasire Riyah, Lazie, Lazij,Khatim
- Muarriq, Moaddil, Moattis, Mufajjir,Muhallil,
- Mohammir,Muallide Dam, Muallide Mani,Mubahi
- Mubarrid, Mudammil, Mudire Baul, Mudir-e-Tamas, MudireLaban
- Mufareh, Mufatteh, Mufateete Hisat,Mughalliz,Mughazzi
- Murakhi Dorane Khoon, Murakh, Muharriqe Aasab, Dimagh waQalb
- Mujaffif,Munjamid,Mukhaddir,Mukhashin,MukhrijeJaneenwaMasheema
- Mulattif, Mulaiyyan , Mulazziz, Mumsik, Munaqqi,Munawwim,
- Munbate Shair, Munzij, Muqawwi, MuqawwiAamma
- Muqawwiyate makhsoosa, Muarikh ,Murratib,Mushil,Musaddai
- Musaddid,MusaffiDam,Musakkin,MusakkineAlam,MusammineBadan
- Moutish,Muzayeek,Mulattif,Muhayyej
- Mushtahi, Muzayyede Laban, Muzliq,Nasif, Qabiz, Qateh, Qatil- Deedan Ammae, Radae,
PAPERII 100Marks
Darjazail Advia ki shinakhat, Makhaz, hasul, mizaj, afa’l, Mua’ka wa tareeka istema’al, miqdar
khurak Mudate taseer, Muzir Asrat, Musleh wa jadeed tahkikat.
(Identification, source, collection, mizaj, actions, therapeutic uses, methods of usage, dose,shelf life, adverse effects, corrective measures and recent research information of following single drugs).
Part A: Advia Nabatiya (Plant origin drugs)
- Abhal, Atees, Azaraqi, Adusa, Aspand, Aspaghol, Afiun, Asgandh, Asaroon, Asrol, Aftimoon,Afsanteen,Anjeer,Atrilaal,AkleelulMulk,AlooBukhara,AlooBaloo,
Amla, Anar, Anjabar, Anisoon, Aslosus,
- Babchi, Badaward, Baboona, Badam, Badranjboya, Bartang, Babool, Barhamdandi, Baranjasif, Bazrulbang, Bisfaij, Biskhapra, Baladur, Balela, Banafsha, Buzidan, Bahman safaid,Bahmansurkh,Behidana,Bahroza,Bedanjeer,Bedmushk,Belgiri,Barahmi,Beesh
- Persiyaoshan, Palas papda, Panbadana,Podina
- Talmakhana,TukhmeBalanga,Turanj,Turb,TamarHindi,Toot,Tudrisafaidwasiyah,
Taj, Tubud
- Salabmisri
- Javitri, Jozbua, Jamun, Jadwar, Juntiyana, Jawakhar, Jauzmaasil
- Chaksu, Chiraita, Chob chini, Chobzard
- HabbulAas,HabbusSalateen,Habbulqurtum,Habbulqilt,Habbulghar,Hilteet,Hulba,
Hanzal, Hina
- Khaksi,Khatmi,Khubbazi,Khapaza,Khurfa,Kharbaq,Khulanjan,Khayarain,Khyar shambar, Khare khashak, Kahoo,Karfis
- Darhald,Darefilfil,Darchini,DurminaTurki,DuroonajAqrabi,Dammulakhwain
- Ral Safaid, Rasut, Reetha, Rehan, Rewandchini
- Zarawand,Zarishk,Zaranbad,Zafaran,Zanjbeel,Zufa,Zaitoon,Zeerasafed,Zeerasiah, Zarnab,
- Sazij Hindi, Sapistan, Satawar, Suddab, Sarphoka, Sad Kufi, Saqmoonia, Sumbuluttib,
Suranjan shireen, Suranjan Talkh, SadaBahar, Sahajana
- Shahatra, Shuqaee, Shuneez, SheetrajHindi
- SatarFarsi,SamagheArabi,SandalSurkhwasafaid,SamagheKateera,
- Tabasheer
- Aqarqarha, Ushba, Unnab, Ood saleeb, Oodgharqi
- Ghariqoon,Ghafis
- Farfiun, Faranjmushk, Fifil Daraz, Fifil Siyah, Filfilsafed
- Qaranful, Qinnab(bhang),
- Katsafed,Kateera,Kasni,Kafoor,KakraSinghi,Kaifal,KababChini,Kababahkhandan, Kataan,Kasoos,Karanjawa,Kasondi,Kishneez,Kamela,Kundur,Kanghi,Kanocha,
- Gajar, Gaozaban, Gilo, Gule Surkh, Gule Gurhal, GuleTesu
- Loban, Lodh pathani,Lahsun
- MayeenKhurdwaKalan,Malkangani,Mazoo,Marzanjosh,Maror29mraz29,Mastagi,
Muqil,Mako, Mundi, Maveez
- Najeel Daryaee, Nilofer, Neem,Nankhawah
- Vaj, Halelajat, Haliyun, Heel Khurd, HeelKalan
Part B: Advia Maadaniya (Mineral Origin Drugs)
- Abrak Safaid wa Siyah, Tinkar, HazrjrulYahud
- Khusul hadeed, Zangar,Zaharmohra.
- Safeda kashghari, Sumaq, Sammul far, SangJarahat
- Shibb-e-Yamani, Shingraf, ShoraQalmi
- Tila, Faulad,Kibreet
- Gil Armani, Gile Surkh, GauDanti
- Murdar, Sang,Nuqra
- Namakiyat, Hartal,Hirakasis
Part C: Advia Haiwaniya (Animal Origin Drugs)
- Abresham, Baiza Murgh, Beer Bahuti, Jundbedastar
- Kharateen,Kharmohra.
- Reg mahi, Sartan, Sange Saremahi, Saresham Mahi,Sadaf
- Asal, Ambar, Ambar ashab, Kafedariya
- Qaranul Aiyal, Luk-e-maghsool, Marjan, Mom,Marvareed
Part D: Advia Jadeeda (Modern Drugs)
- Pharmacological Terminologies: Definition, Scope &Branches
- Routes of drugadministration
- IntroductiontoPharmacokinetics:Drugabsorption,Drugmetabolism,Excretionofdrugs, plasma half life anddoses.
- Introduction to Pharmacodynamics: Non Receptors and Receptormechanism
- Drug Modifyingfactors
- Antiseptics andDisinfectants
- IntroductiontoPharmacologicalactions,therapeuticuses,absorption,fateandexcretion, doses and adverse effects of the followingdrugs:
- Analgesics:NarcoticandNon-narcoticanalgesics,anti-inflammatoryandantipyretics.
- Sedatives: hypnotics andtranquilizers.
- Anesthetics: Local, Spinal andGeneral
- Antibiotics: Definition &Classification
- Chemotherapeutic Agents : Sulphonamides, tetracyclines, Penicillin, chlorophenicol and AmnioglycosidalDrugs
- Antiprotozoals, Antivirals, Anthelmintic, Antifungaldrugs
- Hormones: Insulin and Thyroidhormones
- Contraceptives
- V.Fluids
- Oral HypoglyceamicDrugs
- AntihypertensiveDrugs
PRACTICAL 100marks
Teaching hours-100
- ShanakhtAdvia:DemonstrationofallUnanidrugsprescribedinsyllabus.
- Preparing of Herbarium sheets/recordbook.
- Demonstrationofslidesofplant(leaf,rootandstem)(monocot/dicot,venations, stomatal index etc.)
PAPERI 100Marks
(General Pathology and Microbiology)
- IlmulAhwal
- IlmulAsbab
- IlmulAlamaat
- Definitioin of Sabab , Marz &Arz
- Ahwale Badan, Sehat , Marz , HaalateSalisa
- Ajnase Amraaz : Amraaze Mufradah and AmraazeMurakkabah
- AmraazeMufradah:Soo-e-Mizaj,Soo-e-Tarkeeb,TafarruqIttesal,
- AmraazeMurakkabah:Definition&classificationofAuramauruskiaqsaam.
- ZarbeKhaliya(CellularInjury):Fasadat&SaraiyatNakhr(Necrosis),Infarction, Ghangharana(Gangrene),
- Tatabuq(Adaptation):Zamoor(Atrophy),Tazakhkhum(Hypertrophy),Metaplasia, Hyperplasia.
- Iltihab (Inflammation), Indemal (Healing andRepair),
- Fasade Khoon and Fasade Dawrane Khoon (Blood & circulatory disorders- FaqruddamaurAqsam(Anaemia&types),Abyazuddam(Leukaemia&types),
Nazaffudam(Haemorrhage),SalabateShiryani(Arteriosclerosis),AqdiSalabateShiryani (Atherosclerosis),akhashuruddam(Thrombosis),Tasadududdam(Embolism),aflasuddam (Ischaemia)
- Fasade Rutubate Badan (Fluid and ElectrolyteImbalance):
Qillate Rutubat (Dehydration), Tahabbuj (Oedema), Sadma (Shock),
- Mana’at (Immunity) andAIDS.
- Salaat (Neoplasm) ka ajmali bayan (Generaldescription)
Asbabe Kulli:
Asbabe Badia, Asbabe Sabiqa, Asbabe Wasila, Ta’dia, Unani main tadiya ka tassavur.
- Definition & classification ofAsbab
- AsbabeBadan:
- AsbabeMaddiyah
- AsbabeSuriyah I AsbabeFailiah
- (d) Asbabe Tamamiyah
- Asbabe Sehat waMarz
- AsbabeSabeqah
- AsbabeBadiyah I AsbabeWasilah
- AsbabeZarooriyah
- Asbabe GhairZarooriyah
- AsbabeMohafizah
- AsbabeMughiyyarah
- AsbabeMukhallifah
- Asbabe GhairMukhallifah
- Musakhinat, Mubaridat,Mujafiffat
- MufsidateShakl
- UmoomiAsbab:
- AsbabeWarm
- Asbabe TararruqeIttisal I AsbabeQarah
- Asbabe MufsadaateShakal
- Asbabe Suddah aur ZeeqeMajari
- Asbabe IttisaeMajari
- AsbabeKhushunat
- AsbabeMalasat
- AsbabeKhula
- Asbabe SueTarkeeb
- AsbabeWaja
- Asbabe TaskeeneWaja
- Asbabe Tukhma waImtila
- Asbabe Ihtibaas waIstifraagh
- Asbabe Zo’feAaza
3 Ilmul Alamaat :
Alamaat ke Umoomi Tazkira, Alamaat Fariqa, Alamaate Imtla, Ghal’bae Akhlat ke Alamaat, Alamaate Amzaja, Alamaate Sauda wa Warm , Alamaate Tafarruqe Ittisal, Alamaate Riyaah, Waja aur is ke Aqsaam.
Aqsaame Jarasim (Classification of Micro-organism), Qluwin (Staining), Jarasimi Af’aal (Microbial Activity), Antigen, Ajsam Ziddia (Anti –Bodies), their reaction, Jarasimi Sammiyat (Toxins),
General Description of following bacteria:
- Gram Positive Bacteria (Cocci & Bacilli) such as Staphylococcus, Streptococcus, Pneumococcus, Clostridium Tetani, Mycobacterium Tuberculosis & M.Leprae.
- GramNegativeBacteria(Cocci&Bacilli)suchasNeisseriaMeningitidesand Gonococci, Salmonella, E. Coli, Shigella, VibrioCholera
- Spirochete: TreponemaPallidum
- Tufailiyat (parasites), fungi and Virus ka Ajmali Bayan (Generaldscription)
PAPERII 100Marks
(Systemic Pathology)
- Amraaz Qalb wa Urooq (Disease of the Heart & BloodVessels):
Insidad Shiryan Iklili (Coronary Occlusion), Iltihab Batana Qalb (Endocarditis), Izamul Qalb (Hypertrophy of the Heart), Amraaz Azlaate Qalb (Cardiomyopathies), Fisharuddam (Hypertension), Salaabate Shiriyan (Artereosclerosis), Anurisma (Aneurysm), Amraz Samamate Qalb (Valvular Heart Diseases), Pericarditis(Iltihabe ghilaful-qalb).
2. Amraaz Nizam Tanaffus (Diseases of RespiratorySystem):
Iltihabe Shobi (Bronchitis), Zaturriyah (Pneumonia), Zatul Janb (Pleurisy), Tadarrum Revi (Pulmonary Tuberculosis), Zeequn Nafas (Asthama), Nafkhturriyaya (Emphysema), Ittisae Shoeb (Bronchiectasis)
3. Amraaze Meda wa Am’a (Gastro –IntestinalDiseases):
QrahaeMediwaAsnaAshree(Gastric&DuodenalUlcer),HummaeMevi(EntericFever),Ilithab Zayada Aawar (Appendicitis), Zaheer (Dysentery), Warme Meda (Gastritis), Qurooh-e-Qoloon (UlcerativeColitis).
4. Amraaze Kabid wa Mirarh (Diseases of Hepato –BillarySystem):
Itihabe Kabid (Hepatitis), Talayyaful Kabid (Cirrhosis of Liver), Yarquan (Jaundice), Dubailatul Kabid (Liver Abscess), Iltihabe Mirara (Cholecystitis), Hisate Mirara (Cholelithiasis).
5. Amraaze Kilia wa Masana (Diseases of Kidney & UrinaryBladder):
Glomerulonephritis,IltihabeHauzulKilia(Pyelonephritis),HisatKiliawaMasana(Renal&Cystic Stones), Iltihabe Masana(Cystitis)
6. Amraaze Banqaras (Diseases ofPancreas):
Ziabatus Shakri (Diabetes Mellitus), Iltihabe Banqaras (Pancreatitis)
7. Amraaze Dimagh (CerebralDiseases):
Iltihabe Aghshia (Meningitis), Encephalitis, Jiryanuddam Dimaghi (Cerebral Haemorrhage)
Teaching hours-200
- QaroorakaMufasalImtihan:physical,chemicalandmicroscopicexaminationofurine.
- BarazkamukammalImtihan:physical,chemicalandmicroscopicexaminationofstool.
- Khoon ka mukammal Imtihan: Haematology, Biochemistry andserology
- Balgham ka imtihan: Sputumexamination
- Mada manviya ka Imtihan: Semenanalysis
- Histopathological slides kaimtihan