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Beenapara, Saraimeer Azamgarh 

(A Muslim  Minority Institution)

Research & Publication


Deparment of Tashreeh-ul-Badan

1.AbulFaiz, Mohd Anus Ansari, AshharQadeer and F.S.Sherani, Vegetative Pneuma (Rūhtaba’i):Definition and Facts, IJRAR-International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews, eISSN-23481269,G.C. Approved, Vol.5, Issue-4, pp.839-842, Available at- http://www.ijrar.org/IJRAR1944323.pdf

2. AbulFaiz and Ferasat Ali,The ancient ideology of physis/nature (Tabi’at) and its correlation with modern concept”, International Journal of Unani and Integrative Medicine 2019; 3(1): 62-63, Peer Reviewed, Available at; http://www.unanijournal.com/articles/77/3-1-8-564.pdf

3.AbulFaiz& Mohammad Anas, “Concept of Aging of Skin in Unani Medicine and its Management through Hydration therapy: A Review”, Journal of Drug Delivery & Therapeutics. 2019; 9(3-s):825-827, G.C. Approved, Available online on 15.06.2019 at http://jddtonline.info.

4.Mohammad Anas, AbulFaiz, Shireen Fatima, Ziaur Rahman, “Concept of Cosmetics in the light of Classical Unani Literature”, Journal of Drug Delivery & Therapeutics. 2019; 9(3-s):851-853, G.C. Approved, Available online on 15.06.2019 at http://jddtonline.info.

5.AbulFaiz and Ferasat Ali, “Quality of Responsiveness of Body Organs (KayfiyātInfi‘āl) with Respect to Determination of Human Temperament”, Volume 4, Issue 9, September – 2019 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology, Thomson Reuters and Pub Med indexed; ISSN No:-2456-2165.

6. Mohammad Anas, AbulFaiz, Ziaur Rahman and Jamal Azmat, “Clubbing in a patient of Hypothyroidism: A Case report”, Volume 4, Issue 9, September – 2019 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology, Thomson Reuters and Pub Med indexed; ISSN No:-2456-2165.

7. AbulFaiz and Mohammad Anas, “The Melancholic Humour (Khilt-e-Sawda)”, Research and Reviews: A Journal of Health Professions (STM Journals), Peer Reviewed, 2019; pp. 22-25, Vol. 9, Issue-3, ISSN:22776192.

8. AbulFaiz and Ferasat Ali, “Concept of Body Fluids (Akhlāt)”, Research and Reviews: A Journal of Unani, Siddha and Homeopathy (STM Journals), Peer Reviewed, 2019; pp. 12-14, Vol-6,Issue-3, ISSN:23941960.

9. Mohammad Anas and AbulFaiz, “Concept of Dhaat Syndrome in Unani System of Medicine: A Review”, Journal of Traditional Medicine and Clinical Naturopathy, Peer Reviewed, 2020, 9:2, pp. 287; ISSN: 2573-4555

Department Ilmul Advia:

1. Zafar Javed Khan, Naeem Ahmad Khan, Exploration Of In-Vivo Antioxidant Activity Of 50% Ethanolic Extract Of SesamumIndicumL. Seed Against High Fat Diet Induced Rats. International Journal of Current Pharmaceutical Research 2019. 11(6), 55-61.

2.Zafar Javed Khan, Naeem Ahmad Khan, ImranaNaseem, Shahab, A ANami, Combined in vivo Antioxidant activity of Crude Seed extracts of selected medicinal plants on High Fat Diet Induced Rats. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences Review and Research, 2019. 58 (2), 141-148.

3. Zafar Javed Khan, Naeem Ahmad Khan, ImranaNaseem, Shahab, A ANaami, Evaluation of in-vivo antioxidant activity of hydro alcoholic extract of LinumusitatissimumL. (tukhm-e-katan) against high fat diet induced rats, INDIAN DRUGS 2019; 56(02). 64-68

4. Zafar Javed Khan, Naeem Ahmad Khan, ImranaNaseem, Shahab, A ANaami, Exploration of Antioxidant potential of moringaoleifera (sehjana) fruits/pods on high fat diet induced rats, Indian journal of novel drug delivery 2019; 11(1): 30-39.

5.Zafar Javed Khan, Naeem Ahmad Khan, ImranaNaseem, Shahab, A ANaami, Exploration of physicochemical and phytochemical potential of LinumusitatissimumL. (tukhm-e-katan) Asian journal of pharmacy and pharmacology 2019, 5(3) 551-558.

6. Zafar Javed Khan, Naeem Ahmad Khan, ImranaNaseem, Shahab, A ANaami, Determination of physicochemical and phytochemical potential of sesamumindicumL. Seeds (KunjadSufaid) IJPBS 2019; 9(1) 531-540.

Department of Surgery:

1.Faisal M, F A Najar, Khesal A, et al. Subjective and Objective Outcomes in Men with LUTS Due to BPH Treated with Safufe Bisehri Booti: An Open Labelled Observational Clinical Study .© 2019 IJRAR March 2019, Volume 6, Issue 1

2. RafeAkhlaque, Samreen Khan, Mohd Faisal. An exploration according to Unani System of Medicine on Anatomical Position of veins indicated for fasad VOLUME 6 I ISSUE 1 I JAN.– MARCH 2019.

3.Faisalet al.Review article of bisheribooti (aervalanata) -its traditional uses and pharmacological actions DOI: 10.20959/wjpr20201-16474 (2020).

4. Ansari Tahezeeb Afroz, Firdous Ahmad Najar, Mohd Faisal, Masarat FatimaEffect of IrsaleAlaq (leech therapy) in thrombosed pile mass: a case study.International Journal of Scientific Reports | June 2020 | Vol 6 | Issue 6.

5. F A Najar, TA Ansari ,M Faisal, Nazmin , Ayisha K , Masarat Fatima 
importance of histopathology in the diagnosis of rectal adenocarcinoma: a case report.Journal of Biological & Scientific Opinion Volume 8 (2). 2020

6. Ansari Tahezeeb Afroz, Firdous Ahmad Najar, Mohd Faisal, Ansari Ayesha Suleman. Effect of an Unani Formulation in the Management of Sheqaq al-Maq’ad (Anal Fissure): An open labelled single blinded Clinical Study.2020 IJRAR April 2020, Volume 7, Issue 2