Compulsory Rotatory Internship
(1) The duration of Compulsory Rotatory Internship shall be one year and the student shall be eligible to join the compulsory internship programme after passing all the subjects from first to the final professional examinations, andthe internship programme shall be start after the declaration of the result of final professional examination.
(2) The Internship Programme and time distribution shall be as follows: –
(a) the interns shall receive an orientation regarding programme details of internship programme along with the rules and regulations, in an orientation workshop, which shall be organized during the first three days of the beginning of internship programme and a workbook shall be given to each intern, in which the intern shall enter date-wise details of activities undertaken by him or her during his or her training;
(b) every intern shall provisionally register himself with the concerned State Board or Council and obtain a certificate to this effect before joining the internship program;
(c) the daily working hours of intern shall be not less than eight hours;
(d) no Internee shall remain absent from his hospital duties without prior permission from Head of Department or Chief Medical Officer or Medical Superintendent of the Hospital;
(e) on satisfactory completion of internship programme, the Principal or Dean of the concerned college shall issue theinternship certificate to the candidate;
(f) normally one-year internship programme shall be divided into clinical training of six months in the Unani hospital attached to the college and six months in Primary Health Centre or Community Health Centre or Rural Hospital or District Hospital or Civil Hospital or any Government Hospital of modern medicine:
Provided that where there is no provision or facility or permission of the State Government for allowing the graduate of Unani in the hospital or dispensary of Modern Medicine, the one year Internship shall be completed in the Hospital of Unani College.
(3) The clinical training of six or twelve months, as case may be, in the Unani hospital attached to the college or in non- teaching hospitals approved by Central Council of Indian Medicine shall be conducted as follows: –

Sl.No. | Departments | Distribution of six months | Distribution of twelve months |
(i) | Moalajat including Ilaj bit Tadbeer and AmrazeJildwaTazeeniyat | Two months | Four months |
(ii) | Jarahat | One month | Two months |
(iii) | Amraz-e-Ain, Uzn, Anf, HalaqwaAsnan | One month | Two months |
(iv) | Ilmul Qabalat-wa-Amraz-e-Niswan | One month | Two months |
(v) | AmrazeAtfal | Fifteen days | One month |
(vi) | Tahaffuzi-wa-SamajiTib (Preventive and Community Medicine) | Fifteen days |